Home > Flight Simulator Airline Crew Simulations > PMDG 737 NGX (Legacy Version) > Voice Control > Flows > PMDG 737 NGX SPECIAL BUNDLE PACK- VOICE > First Officer / Pilot Not Flying Flows

First Officer / Pilot Not Flying Flows

* = First Flight of Day only

Pre-Flight Electrical

Trigger -> Pressing the  'RUN PF'  button in the Pre-Flight Section on the Config Panel.  'RUN PF" stands for run pre-flight events.

  1. Master Battery on.
  2. Standby power guard closed
  3. If BBJ model (Aux fuel bleeds off & Gnd Xfer off).
  4. Connect external power/air (if selected on the Config Panel).
  5. Fire tests.
  6. Start APU (if selected on the Config Panel).
  7. If using APU, check APU Gen Voltage on Voltmeter.  If using GPU, check GND pwr.
  8. Left Forward Fuel Pump on for APU if APU selected as power source.
  9. Left Center Fuel Pump if center fuel quantity > 1000 pounds (APU only).
  10. Wheel well fire test  (only if AC Power Avail).
  11. Position light on.
  12. Parking brake set.
  13. Wing lights on for exterior walkaround if flying at night.

Pre-Flight Main Procedure

Trigger -> Pre-Flight Time Remaining +18 minutes.

  1. Yaw damper on.
  2. IFE on.
  3. Galley power on.
  4. Emergency lights arm.
  5. No smoking on.
  6. Fasten seatbelts auto.
  7. Window heat test and window heat on.
  8. Eng Hyd Pump A and B on.
  9. Elec Hyd Pump A and B off.
  10. Trim air on.
  11. Recirc fans auto.
  12. Pack auto.
  13. Isolation valve open.
  14. Engine Bleeds on.
  15. APU bleed on (Only if APU running.  If external ground air is not available, manually start the APU now for air conditioning).
  16. Flight Altitude in Pressurization Controller set. (Cruise Alt must be set in FMC first).
  17. Landing Altitude in Pressurization Controller set.
  18. Ignition selection switch set.
  19. Logo light if night on.
  20. Flight directors on.
  21. Oxygen test*.
  22. Autopilot disengage light test*.
  23. GPWS test*.
  24. Autobrake RTO.
  25. Fuel flow Reset.
  26. Lower display to SYS.
  27. If BBJ: Aux fuel bleeds off.
  28. Cancel Recall test (Fail Operational aircraft only).
  29. Cargo fire test*.
  30. Push master fire warning*.
  31. VHF 1 and 2 test (and RTP 1 and 2 test if BBJ model)*.
  32. TCAS test (IRS must be aligned first)*.
  33. Overspeed test*.
  34. Verify FMC pages.

Before Start

Trigger -> Captain's command: “BEFORE START PROCEDURE”.

  1. FO’s FMC to legs page.
  2. Fuel pumps on.
  3. Seatbelt sign on.
  4. Isolation valve open.
  5. Electrical Hydraulic pumps on.
  6. Beacon on.

Engine Start

Trigger -> Captain's command: “START ENGINE ONE / START ENGINE 2”.

  1. Lower display to Engine.
  2. Packs off.
  3. Ignition to ground.

Before Taxi (First Part)

Trigger -> Both Engines Stabilized.

  1. Engine Generators on.
  2. Probe Heat on.
  3. Engine and Wing Anti Ice as required.
  4. Packs auto.
  5. Isolation Valve auto.
  6. APU Bleed off.
  7. APU off.
  8. Engine Start Switches to Cont (only if ‘Auto’ not available).
  9. Flaps Movement check if Cold Weather Procedures in effect.

Before Taxi (Second Part)

 Trigger -> Captain calls for the takeoff flaps: "FLAPS 1 / FLAP 5 / FLAPS 15 / FLAP 25."   If cold weather procedures are in effect, the trigger phrase is “LEAVE THE FLAPS UP”.
  1. Select Takeoff Flaps.
  2. Select lower display to SYS for Captain's controls check.
  3. Blank lower display unit.
  4. Xponder On (if ASDE-X selected to 'Yes')
  5. Recall.

Note: If a ‘Bleeds Off’ takeoff was briefed for in the Departure Brief, the FO will configure for a bleeds off takeoff during his Before Taxi flow assuming EAI or WAI is not required for taxi.  If EAI or WAI is required for taxi, the FO will configure for a bleeds off takeoff during his Before Takeoff flow.

Note: If cold weather procedures were selected, the FO will perform a ‘flaps movement check’ by extending the flaps to 40 before bringing them back up.  When using cold weather procedures, you will taxi with the flaps up.


Trigger -> A few seconds after the FO announces that the cabin is secure for takeoff.

  1. Weather Radar on (not modeled in NGX).

Before Takeoff

Trigger -> Captain announces takeoff clearance has been received with the command: “RUNWAY ENTRY PROCEDURE”.

  1. Strobes on.
  2. Fixed Landing Lights on.
  3. Runway Turnoff Lights on.
  4. Taxi Lights off.
  5. Center Fuel Pumps off (only if center fuel less than 2300 Kgs).
  6. Terrain on (left off to avoid possible performance issues).
  7. VSD on if available.
  8. Xponder TA/RA.
  9. TFC on.


Trigger -> Captain announces: "TAKEOFF”.

  1. Retractable Landing Lights on.
  2. Elapsed Time on.

After Takeoff

Trigger -> Flaps Up.

  1. Engine start switches to off (only if Engine/Wing Anti Ice not on).
  2. Autobrake off.
  3. Gear levers handle off.
  4. Runway Turnoff Lights off.

Note:  If a ‘Bleeds Off’ takeoff was briefed for, the FO will restore the bleeds after the ‘Climb Thrust’ call and turn WAI back on if it was off.

10,000 Feet in Climb

Trigger -> Passing 10,000 feet.

  1. Landing lights off.
  2. Seatbelt switch auto.
  3. Center fuel pumps on (if quantity greater than 500 kgs and they were ‘Off’ for takeoff).


Trigger -> Reaching cruise.

  1. VSD off if available.
  2. FMC pages verify and check.


Trigger -> After the Approach Briefing on the Briefing Page has been played.

  1. Verify pressurization is set to landing altitude.
  2. Recall.
  3. Cancel Recall test (Fail Operational aircraft only).
  4. Enter VREF on APPROACH REF page.
  5. Set Radio/BAR as needed for the approach.
  6. Set autobrake as briefed.
  7. FMC to 'Legs' page.
  8. If RNAV approach, set VOR Updating on CDU to off.
  9. VSD on if available.

10,000 Feet in Descent

Trigger -> Passing 10,000 feet.

  1. Fixed Landing lights on.
  2. Seatbelt signs on.
  3. Select RNP Progress Page and verify RNP.


  1. After Flaps 1, make PA: “CABIN CREW TAKE YOUR SEATS”.
  2. Select RNP Progress Page if RNAV/RNP approach.
  3. Engine Start Switches to Cont and Runway Turnoff lights on (tied to gear down call and only if ‘auto’ not avail for the Start Sw’s).
  4. If Flap 15 used for landing, set Ground Proximity inhibit switch to 'Flap Inhibit'.
  5. Retractable Landing lights on when Capt announces "CLEARED" for landing.

After Landing

Trigger -> Captain announces “OKAY TO CLEAN UP” or speed brake stowed.

  1. Start APU (Only if Power Source on Config Panel preselected to APU)*
  2. Flaps up (or flaps 15 if cold weather procedures in effect).
  3. Probe heat off.
  4. Landing lights off, Strobes off, Taxi light on.
  5. Engine start switches off (if EAI/WAI not on).
  6. Weather radar off.
  7. VSD Off.
  8. TFC off.
  9. Autobrake off.
  10. Transponder to standby (if ASDE-X option selected to 'No').
  11. Clear route in FMC.
  12. Elapsed Time off.

Note:  If ‘EXT’ is selected as the Power Source for the Gate, use the following procedure:  After arriving at the Gate, shutdown engine #2 (the right engine).  Contact the ground crew and instruct them to connect the GPU and External Air.  Wait 30 seconds for the ground crew to connect the GPU and EXT (they’ll notify you when it’s connected).  Once the GPU and External Air have been connected, you can shut down engine #1 (the left engine).

Pre Shutdown

Trigger -> Parking Brake Set.

  2. Confirm APU GEN on voltmeter (if using APU).
  3. APU Generator on (if using APU).
  4. Taxi light off.


Trigger -> Captain selects Engine Fuel Levers to Cut-Off.

  1. Seatbelt signs off.
  2. Beacon off.
  3. Fuel pumps off (except left Aft for APU and Left Center if fuel in center tank).
  4. Wing and Engine anti-ice off (if left on during taxi in).
  5. Electrical Hydraulic pumps off.
  6. Isolation Valve open.
  7. APU Bleed on.
  8. Flight Director off.
  9. Reset MCP Alt to 10,000.
  10. Reset MCP Speed to 100.
  11. Transponder to 2000 
  12. Transponder to standby (if ASDE-X option selected to 'Yes').
  13. Reset Elapsed Time.

Securing Aircraft

Trigger -> Captain announces “SECURE THE AIRCRAFT PLEASE”.

  1. IRSs.
  2. Emergency Exit Lights.
  3. Window Heat.
  4. Packs.