Home > Flight Simulator Airline Crew Simulations > PMDG 737 NGX (Legacy Version) > Voice Control > Procedures > PMDG 737 NGX SPECIAL BUNDLE PACK- VOICE > Circuits


FS2Crew for the PMDG 737 NGX models Circuits/Touch and Go’s.

To put FS2Crew into circuits mode, select ‘CIRCUIT TRAINING’ for the Approach Type.  You would use this mode if you wish to make practice circuits. 

Circuits are modeled on the standard Boeing circuits profile


  1. Automation is generally not used during circuit training.
  2. Circuits are usually flown with the Flaps at 5.
  3. On touchdown, the FO will automatically raise the Flaps to 15, and you would perform a Flaps 15 takeoff.
  4. VREF must be entered in the FMC.

One way of Doing a Circuit:

Switch off the FD and autothrottles for take off. Use flap 5 for convenience. Aim for climb speed 180 knots and leave flap at 5. At 1000 agl start turn at 30 degrees angle of bank - maintaining bank angle until arriving at downwind hdg and hauling back throttles to maintain 180 knots while levelling at 1500 ft agl.

Set Vref for landing flap from previously set V1 and VR.

Up to you whether you set MCP cursor at 180 knots or set Vref+5 now. You are not using autothrottle so the MCP speed is purely a reminder figure rather than an A/T setting. Ensure A/T is switched off and not just ARM (see FCTM cautionary paragraphs on autothrottle use in ARM mode - Boeing do not recommend it)

Downwind keep eyes on runway and visual tracking. Don't stare at MAP. Abeam landing threshold hit stopwatch, select gear down, flap 15, arm the speed brake if full stop landing and allow speed to reduce toward 150 knots and call for landing checklist to flaps.

45 seconds after passing end of runway, turn base 25-30 degrees angle of bank and square off the circuit because of slower speed of 150 knots. Avoid flying a 5 degree bank angle turn as this is sloppy flying. If an ILS is available ensure the standby ADI ILS is selected because it gives you earlier glide slope indication than primary ADI/HSI glide slope. Very useful if the simulator is limited in side view.

Flap as required on base and final. Cross the fence at Vref if no wind and use reverse and manual braking. This gives you the practice at modulating the brakes as a skill rather than always carrying out autobrake use which can lead to loss of braking technique skills.

For touch and go don't arm the speed brake and no reverse. On touch-down open up to 50-60% spool-up N1, select flap 15 at same time set stab trim at 5 units. When ready, set take off thrust and rotate at Vref which had already been set. Around 1000 ft agl select flap 5 and aim for 180 knots and repeat the circuit. Note at no stage was FD, AP or AT used. Miminum talk in the cockpit.

For asymmetric circuit practice simply maintain flap 5 downwind and 180 knots, pull back one throttle to idle early downwind, set flap 15 Vref in ASI and you are on your way again.