Home > Flight Simulator Airline Crew Simulations > PMDG 737 NGX (Legacy Version) > Voice Control > Procedures > PMDG 737 NGX SPECIAL BUNDLE PACK- VOICE > ETOPS


FS2Crew models ETOPs procedures.


1. Unless otherwise authorized, start the APU before the ETOPS segment.  The APU must be on for the entire ETOPS segment.  You can use the speech command: "START THE APU".

2. During the last hour of cruise, speak: "FUEL CROSSFEED VALVE CHECK".

The FO will then perform the fuel cross feed valve check procedure.

ETOPS General Notes:

HF Preflight Check

A reception-only check of the HF radios should be accomplished prior to
departure. This is most easily accomplished by selecting and listening to WWV
for a GMT transmission signal on frequencies of 5000, 10000, or 15000.
Note: If the tuning tone plus HF receptions from other aircraft or WWV
broadcasts are audible, the flight may proceed, provided enroute HF
radio and SELCAL checks are successful prior to transoceanic entry.
WARNING: Do not perform a HF transmissions check if refueling is in
progress on your aircraft or any other aircraft in close proximity.

FMC RESERVES Fuel and Wind Entries

For all flights, both international and domestic, the RESERVES (4L) fuel entry
on the PERF INIT page should include the alternate fuel (ALTN), and reserve
fuel (RESV 10PCT + RSV 30MIN) from the flight plan. CONT- Contingency,
ETOPS Add, and Extra Fuel are not included to avoid an erroneous
FMC fuel predictions which include fuel over destination on the Progress Page,
hold fuel remaining, and the FMC message INSUFFICIENT FUEL are reliable only
· Forecast winds have been uplinked or manually loaded for the entire route.
· Forecast winds have been loaded for the descent on the DESCENT FORECAST page.
· The flight plan speed / Mach number has been selected on the CRZ page.

Display CEEP and CEXP

The C-EEP and the C-EXP should be displayed by placing the ICAO airport
identifier for each of these adequate airports on a FIX page with /427 (one hour,
single engine still air distance) entered on line 2L. First enter the C-EEP
reference airport and then, when past the C-EEP, change the reference to the
airport for the C-EXP. The intersection of these green arcs and the magenta
active course line reflect the C-EEP and then the C-EXP. This will normally be
within a few miles of the latitude / longitude defining the C-EEP / C-EXP on the
flight plan. It is important to note that the airports defining these points may not
be the designated suitable ETOPS alternate airports.

HF Radio Check

The HF radios and HF-SELCAL must be checked prior to the loss of VHF
communications. The appropriate frequencies will be assigned enroute or can
be found on the Jeppesen Enroute Chart
Transoceanic communications are conducted primarily by HF radio. The
following checks will ensure that the HF radios are functioning properly.
Prior to loss of VHF communications:
· Select the appropriate HF frequency from Jeppesen charts or as assigned by
ATC on both radios.
· Key microphone and listen for the tone.
· Contact appropriate agency for HF and SELCAL check.
· Both SELCALs can be checked simultaneously by setting the same
frequency in both HF radios.
If both SELCAL units are inoperative, a constant listening watch will be
maintained on the primary HF frequency.

Enroute VHF

On flights, which are operating in areas outside of VHF contact with ATC, the
VHF communications radios will normally be set as follows:
LEFT VHF 121.5 Guard
RIGHT VHF 123.45 or appropriate Air-to-Air common
Current frequencies may be found on the Jeppesen charts for the intended area
of operation.

Transponder Settings

Unless otherwise directed by ATC, or in cases of emergency or radio failure,
transponder codes will be set as follows:
ATLANTIC: Code 2000 (last assigned code will be maintained while in
domestic airspace). A rule of thumb is to add 30 minutes to
the ATA of the first waypoint on the NAT Track. This would
be the earliest time to change the code to 2000.
MIDPAC: Code 2000 after “Cleared to enroute frequency” by ATC.
GUAM: Code 2100 when approaching within 250 NM of the airport.