Home > Flight Simulator Airline Crew Simulations > PMDG 737 NGX (Legacy Version) > Voice Control > Flows > PMDG 737 NGX SPECIAL BUNDLE PACK- VOICE > Captain / Pilot Flying Flows

Captain / Pilot Flying Flows


  1. Optional: Run the Pre-Flight events by pressing ‘RUN PF’ on the FS2Crew Config Panel.  Note:  If you run the Pre-Flight events routine, you must load the either the COLD AND DARKSHORT OR LONG panel states prior to pressing RUN PF.  These panel states are available via the PMDG 737's LOAD PANEL STATE MENU.
  2. Setup cockpit lighting as required.
  3. IRS's to Nav.
  4. Perform stall warning test (Note: The stall warning test requires that the AC transfer busses are powered for up to 4 minutes).
  5. Parking brake set.
  6. CDU Preflight Procedure: Setup Nav Data, Route Page, Performance Data, Takeoff Ref Page.
  7. Do not forget to enter the Transition Altitude on the FMC ‘PERF INIT’ page; the FO uses this altitude as the trigger to call “Transition Altitude”.Lights Test (Master Lights Test and DIM).
  8. Setup EFIS Control Panel as required.
  9. Flight Director Switch on.
  10. Oxygen test and set.
  11. Clock set.
  12. Nose wheel steering switch guard closed.
  13. Display select panel set (Main and Lower DU's to Norm).
  14. Verify Takeoff Config Light and Cabin Altitude Light extinguished.
  15. Disengage Lights Test perform.
  16. Do the Initial Data and Navigation Data steps from the CDU Preflight procedure.
  17. Flight instruments check (after IRS alignment is complete).
  18. Standby horizon check.
  19. Gyro caging control - pull, then release
  20. Standby altimeter set.
  21. Set altimeter.
  22. Standby RMI - select either VOR or ADF.
  23. Confirm speedbrake is in the down detent.
  24. Radio tuning panel set.
  25. VHF comm radio set.
  26. VHF nav radios set for departure.
  27. Audio control panel set.
  28. Call “PRE-FLIGHT CHECKLIST” after the FO has completed his own Pre-Flight procedures.
  29. When ready, open the Departure Briefing Panel and perform the Departure Brief (or make the voice command: "ARE YOU READY FOR THE DEPARTURE BRIEF?"  Close the brief by speaking: "ANY QUESTIONS?")

Before Start

  1. Call “BEFORE START PROCEDURE” just prior to pushback and after the doors have been closed.
  2. As the Pilot Flying, select the TAKEOFF REF page on the CDU.
  3. Check N1 and Speed bugs are correct.
  4. Arm the autothrottle.
  5. On the MCP, set IAS to V2.
  6. ON the MCP, set initial heading and altitude.
  7. Arm LNAV/VNAV as needed.
  8. Complete the Taxi and Takeoff briefing.
  9. Confirm flight deck windows closed and locked.
  10. Set Trim for takeoff and verify trim is in the green band.
  11. Ensure rudder and aileron trim both at 0 units.
  12. Call “BEFORE START CHECKLIST” and complete the checklist.
  13. Contact the Start Crew for pushback / engine start.
  14. At first movement or just prior to engine start, announce via the PA: “CABIN CREW ARM SLIDES”.  (Note there is no response in the simulation to this call).


  1. Announce the start sequence: "START SEQUENCE IS 2 THEN 1".
  2. Call “START ENGINE 2”.
  3. Verify the N2 RPM increases.
  4. When N1 rotation is seen and N2 is at 25% (or at maximum motoring and a minimum of 20% N2), select fuel lever #2 to run (IDLE DETENT).*
  5. Monitor N1, N2, EGT, fuel flow and oil pressure for normal indications.
  6. When the engine is stable, start the other engine.
  7. Call “START ENGINE 1”.
  8. At approx 20 percent N2, select fuel lever #1 to run (idle detent).

* 'Maximum Motoring' occurs when N2 acceleration is less than 1% in approximately 5 seconds.


  1. Announce the start sequence: "START SEQUENCE IS 1 THEN 2".
  2. Same procedure as above, BUT you will start the left engine (Engine #1) first.  See 'Using External Air/Power' for more information.

Before Taxi
  1. Wait for FO to finish the "first part" of his Before Taxi flow as listed in the FO Flows Section.
  2. After the pushback has been completed, call “FLAPS____” as needed for takeoff (Unless the taxiway is contaminated, see Step 4).
  3. If the runway is contaminated, taxi with the flaps up.  Call "LEAVE THE FLAPS UP" instead of calling for the takeoff flaps.
  4. Check flight controls with slow and deliberate movements.
  6. Turn on the Taxi Light once taxi clearance received.
  7. Call "CLEAR ON THE LEFT".
  8. Start taxi.

Before Takeoff

  1. Call “BEFORE TAKEOFF CHECKLIST” after FO informs you that the cabin is secure for takeoff.
  2. Set weather radar/terrain display as needed.


  1. Announce “RUNWAY ENTRY PROCEDURE” when cleared on to the runway.
  2. Verify that the runway and runway entry point are correct.
  3. Verify that the airplane heading and the runway heading match up.
  4. Call “TAKEOFF” when starting the takeoff roll.
  5. Advance throttles to approx 40%  N1.  Let the engines stabilize.  Then set takeoff power (press TOGA switch).
  6. Verify that the correct takeoff thrust is set.
  7. Maintain light forward pressure on the control column.
  8. When the PNF calls 80 knots, call "CHECK".
  9. At VR, rotate toward 15 degrees pitch attitude.
  10. After liftoff, follow the Flight Director commands.


  1. Call “GEAR UP” after PNF announces “POSITIVE RATE”.
  2. 400 feet:  Call roll mode: “SELECT HEADING SELECT” or “SELECT LNAV”.
  3. For aircraft with automatic thrust reduction, call “CLIMB THRUST” at the thrust reduction altitude depending on your NADP profile (this is a verification call only).
  4. For aircraft without automatic thrust reduction, call "SET CLIMB THRUST" at the thrust reduction altitude depending on your NADP profile.
  5. Call “SET FLAPS UP SPEED” or “SELECT LEVEL CHANGE” as required.
  6. Call “FLAPS___” to retract the flaps on schedule.
  7. After flap retraction is complete, call for "SELECT VNAV".
  8. Engage autopilot: Call “SELECT COMMAND A”.
  10. At the Transition Altitude, set and crosscheck the altimeters to standard pressure.

Prior to Top of Descent

  1. Select FMC approach procedure.
  2. Set the Transition Level in the FMC 'DES FORECASTS' Page.  (FS2Crew uses value this for the Transition Level call.)
  3. For RNAV (RNP) approaches, inhibit other navaids as needed per NOTAM.
  4. Note that engine out fail operational approaches to autoland available with flaps 30 only (performance permitting).
  5. Verify/set RNP as appropriate for the procedure.
  6. Set the RADIO/BARO minimums as need for the approach.
  7. Make your selections on the FS2Crew Approach Briefing Page.  Don't forget to enter the Decision Height/Altitude.
  8. Play the Approach Briefing (or make the voice command: "ARE YOU READY FOR THE APPROACH BRIEF?"  Close the brief by speaking: "ANY QUESTIONS?")
  9. Verify VREF on the FMC 'APPROACH REF' Page.  (You will need to manually add any wind additive to VREF).
  10. Set or verify the navigation radios and course for the approach.
  11. Set QNH in the Standby Altimeter.
  12. Call “DESCENT CHECKLIST” after the FO completes his descent flow.

  • If shooting a CAT II or CATIII Monitored ILS approach, you must set the DH selector to RADIO and select a Radio Altimeter value (i.e., 100 feet, 50 feet, etc).
  • If shooting a non-Monitored Approach (ILS, VOR, NDB, RNAV), then you must set the DH selector to BARO, and select the Barometric Decision Altitude as found on your approach chart.
  • If shooting a normal CAT 1 ILS approach, the barometric Decision Altitude is usually 200 feet above the runway elevation.  So, for example, if the runway elevation is 110 feet, the Decision Altitude (BARO) is probably about 310 feet.


  1. The FO will announce "TRANSITION LEVEL" when passing the Transition Level you entered on the DESCENT FORECAST PAGE in the FMC.
  2. Set local pressure on the Captain's altimeter (which shows in white below STD), and then press the STD button.
  3. Then you need to announce the local altimeter setting:



 The FO will then read back his altimeter setting.  



  1. Update the arrival and approach procedures as needed.  
  2. Update RNP as needed.
  3. Call “APPROACH CHECKLIST” at 10,000 feet or the Transition Level, whichever is lower.



  1. Call “FLAPS___” as required to bring the flaps down on schedule.
  2. When on localizer intercept heading, verify that the ILS is tuned and identified and that the LOC and G/S pointers are shown.
  3. Use HDG SEL to intercept the localizer.
  4. Verify localizer captured.
  5. Arm APP mode.
  6. Engage both autopilots if making an autoland.
  7. Passing the Outer Marker or Final approach Fix, call: "OUTER MARKER" or "FINAL APPROACH FIX".  The FO will read back the altitude.  Reply "CHECKED". 
  8. At glide slope alive, call “GEAR DOWN” and “FLAPS 15”.
  9. Arm the speed brake lever.
  11. The FO will run the checklist but will hold the checklist at the landing flap challenge.
  12. Call for the final landing flaps.  The FO will then complete the 'landing checklist'. 
  13. When cleared for landing, call “CLEARED”.
  14. At minimums call “LANDING” or "CONTINUE" or “GOING AROUND”.

Landing (Using VNAV)

  1. Call “FLAPS___” as required to bring the flaps down on schedule.
  2. Recommended Roll Modes: RNAV or GPS, use LNAV.  
  3. Recommended Roll Modes: LOC-BC, VOR or NDB, use LNAV.
  4. Recommended Roll Modes: LOC, SDF or LDA, use LNAV or VOR/LOC.
  5. For a LOC, LOC-BC, SDF or LDA Approach: On intercept heading to final, verify the localizer is tuned and identified and that the LOC point is shown.
  6. Select LNAV or arm VOR/LOC mode.
  7. Using LNAV or HDG SEL to intercept the final approach course.
  8. Verify LNAV engaged or that VOR/LOC is captured.
  9. Approximately 2 NM before the Final Approach Fix (FAF) and after ALT HOLD or VNAV PATH or VNAV ALT is annunciated: Verify the autopilot is engaged, set DA(H) or MDA(H) on the MCP, select or verify speed intervention, select or verify VNAV.
  10. Passing the Outer Marker or Final approach Fix, call: "OUTER MARKER" or "FINAL APPROACH FIX".  The FO will read back the altitude.  Reply "CHECKED". 
  11. Approaching the glide slope, call “GEAR DOWN” and “FLAPS 15”.
  12. Arm the speed brake lever.
  14. The FO will run the checklist but will hold the checklist at the landing flap challenge.
  15. Call for the final landing flaps.  The FO will then complete the 'landing checklist'. 
  16. After calling for the final landing flap, set the missed approach altitude in the MCP.
  17. At the Final Approach Fix, verify the crossing altitude and crosscheck the altimeters.
  18. When cleared for landing, call “CLEARED”.
  19. At minimums call “LANDING” or “GOING AROUND”.

After Landing

  1. Announce "MANUAL BRAKING" when you apply manual braking.
  2. Speedbrake lever down or call “OKAY TO CLEAN UP”.  Either action will trigger the FO to start his After Landing flow. 
  3. If the taxiway is contaminated with snow or slush, set the stab trim full nose down (0 – 2 Units) to prevent melting ice/slush from getting into the balance bays.


  1. When at the gate, set the 'parking brake'.


  1. After FO calls: “READY FOR SHUTDOWN”, set engine start levers to cut-off.  (If using the GPU at the arrival gate, shut down engine  #2 first, connect the GPU, and then shutdown engine #1).  Click here for more information.
  2. The FA will call the cockpit. You will hear a ‘chime’ sound and the FA button on the FS2Crew Main Panel will say ‘On’.  Speak “YES” to reply to the FA.
  3. Release the parking brakes after the chocks are in place.
  4. After the slides have been reported disarmed, announce via PA: “CABIN CREW – DOORS MAY BE OPENED”.   This is a necessary trigger to open the doors.
  6. When the Ground Crew contacts you, reply "GO AHEAD".  He'll tell you that the chocks are in.  Make sure that the Audio Control Panel is properly configured or he won't be able to hear you.


  1. Call “SECURE THE AIRCRAFT PLEASE” if you will be leaving the aircraft unattended. 
  2. After FO completes the Securing Aircraft procedure, call "SECURING AIRCRAFT CHECKLIST".
  3. The FO will then read the Securing Aircraft checklist.
  4. CAB/UTIL, IFE Galley Power as required.
  5. Trim air switch off.
  6. Turn off the APU and/or Ground Power Switch.
  7. If APU was operating, wait two minutes after the APU GEN OFF BUS light extinguishes before placing the Battery Switch to Off.
  8. Select the GND Power switch to off if it was on.
  9. Select position lights off.